
€30 - €49
Galway, , H91 DV52 ·Website·Call(091) 569 404

Good to know

Average Price
€€€€ - €30 - €49


Kirbys offer a relaxed dining experience in modern surrounds. Savour the best of local produce cooked with a modern twist. An extensive wine list is available with and emphasis on New World wines. Assured of a warm and friendly welcome and value for money, Kirbys is the ideal venue for a night out with friends or when celebrating that special occasion. Kirbys also caters for Corporate lunches and dinners as well as Christmas parties.

Come to eat , Stay to party!


3/5 Cross Street Upper, Galway, H91 DV52

(091) 569 404


Opening Times

Mon 12:00-15:00
Tue 12:00-15:00
Wed 12:00-15:00
Thu 12:00-15:00
Fri 12:00-15:00
Sat 12:00-15:00
Sun 12:00-15:00


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