Taylor’s Bar & Beer Garden is one of the grand old establishments of Dominick Street in Galway City. Situated in a building constructed in the 1830’s, it was originally a merchant’s
house. It was then converted to a grocery and bar in the late 1800’s.
The bar has a very long history on Dominick Street. In the 1940s, it came to fame under Patrick and Vera Taylor, where they sold quality meats along with snuff, tobacco and general groceries.
Liquid refreshments, including porter and whiskey, were available in the back bar. There was also a hatch into the hallway where ladies were served until more enlightened times!
Under new ownership, the name Taylor’s has been restored over the door in loyalty to the bar’s legendary status in Galway in the latter 20th Century – where it was the favoured stomping ground
of the artistic, musical and creative communities that gave rise to many of today’s bands, artists, theatrical, cultural organisations and arts festivals. It could be argued that it was the
quiet ‘epicentre’ for the gradual artistic regeneration and subsequent rebranding of the ‘West’ into Galway’s bohemian corner.